Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Student Led Conference 2012

Today is our Student Led Conference. We have been very excited this week in anticipation for the big day. Ms Ryan is happy to be able to talk to all our parents.
Let's have fun and show our learning!

I enjoyed the student led Conference.- THOMAS

It was good to what the children have learned at school and for them to present these. - Chinen Phillips

Thank you Miss Ryan for arranging this day - Chris

We really appreciate the opportunity to see how Chris and the other students are doing in their classroom.  Thanks. Scott and Melissa Treloar

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Luc's Wordle

Wordle: Untitled
Luc made this wordle to learn his spelling words this week.

My Poem

People sometimes have lice but not much people have pet mice.

If you made fog it always goes away and it will fade.

If you have a fever, you should not go to a beaver.

You might have an entrée with Beyonce.

Lots of fleets have lots of pairs of feet

You might have a leaf with lots of beef

Someday you might teach, but maybe after, you might go to a beach.

You might type a text, but you should do it before your next day.

A bean is always green.

You might be petrified because you might see a modified couch.

By Thomas

Monday, June 4, 2012

Ilya's wordle for spelling

Ilya made this wordle to show the long e ( ea and ee)  and short e letter/ sound pattern.

Lucy makes the cast of Annie the Musical

We are very excited in 2RY this week for Lucy as she was selected in the cast for Annie. Lucy auditioned last weekend and was one of 24 children selected from over 300. Congratulations Lucy!
Lucy has truly embraced this Unit Of Inquiry, 'How We Express Ourselves' by creating and responding to music.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Year 2! by Brigitte

This year in my Year 2 class we have a very nice teacher called Ms Ryan. She is also very funny.
I have been very excited about the swimming carnival.We did the noodle race first and it made
me very slow but I still came 1st. Then we waited for the next race. Wile we were waiting I
saw my brother in the gym doing really hard gymnastics. When we were finished I was tired.

After lunch we did a fraction farm in our math books.

 by Brigitte

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Making a wordle - Spelling words - long i sound pattern

We made a wordle today using some of the words we brainstormed for the spelling pattern for long i. Here it is. Can you tell the 'oddball' words?

My first feelings about 2RY by Ilya

My first 2 weeks in 2RY were fun because I liked literacy groups. It felt good in 2RY because Ms Ryan is so good at teaching and Ms Jean too.
I felt good about homework because the homework is fun.